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Indian Summer in the Scottish Highlands

Mossytop Mountain towers behind picturesque Dornie

Dornie headquartered Dreamharvest partners with awardwinning India based Edtech company Aginitio Education, poising MageQuill for further international success.

We believe the world would be a better place when young people are empowered and can solve problems creatively. We are proud to partner with MageQuill in achieving this dream.
— Kartik Sharma
DORNIE, HIGHLANDS, SCOTLAND, December 31, 2018 / -- Indian Summer in the Scottish Highlands
• Dornie headquartered Dreamharvest partners with award-winning India based Edtech company Aginitio Education, poising MageQuill for further international success.
• Dreamharvest was almost unable to handle its amazing success story until a creative approach paved the way for a million new users before the onset of summer.

Dornie, Scotland, 31 December 2018 - a start-up based in the Scottish Highlands developed its creative writing platform in order to get more young voices heard. In the year of young people, the subscription-based writing and publishing platform, MageQuill, is in touch with today’s youth, helping them to unleash their creativity, write about today's issues, their concerns, their thoughts and ideas, without boundaries within an online community of peers.

This new way of robust interaction is called Creativity 5.0 after the highest tier of societal development. Creativity is making inroads in education, and wellness all around the world, complementing computerization and AI.

MageQuill as a product became a success, though handling the scaling from its remote corner of the Scottish Highlands proved more problematic. Using a bit of its own creative efforts, the right solution in the form of Agnitio Education was unveiled. Two countries and two passions came together to ensure delivery and a new and exciting expansion.

Dreamharvest CEO, Marianne Rugard Jarvstrat said: “Brilliant stories from passionate writers don’t have borders, so we need to be there for them, wherever they are in the world. MageQuill can now be available for all writers with a passion so we are excited to work with Agnitio Education and their incredible team in making this journey happen.”

Agnitio Education is already well established as an international edtech company, and has already proven that they can scale. As a recent startup themselves they have retained the speed to adapt to new frontiers and the passion to follow it through.

Agnitio CEO Kartik Sharma explains: “We are very excited by the idea of fostering creativity and innovation in young people. We believe the world would be a better place when young people are empowered and can solve problems creatively. We are proud to partner with MageQuill in achieving this dream.”

On the last days of the year of young people and just in time for the start of the month of creativity, it leaves us time to appreciate that despite the tough economic climate and rural solitude, creativity and passion are what rings in the new year.

Mossytop Dreamharvest Ltd, trading as Dreamharvest, owns the trademarks MageQuill and Bombadil Publishing, and is headquartered in Dornie in the heart of the Scottish Highlands and is internationalising its products on a global scale. Dreamharvest works closely with education Scotland to bring creative writing to Scotland, and likewise the All Indian Council for Technical Education, AICTE, to enhance the creative learning for their students at their 10,000+ colleges. Bombadil Publishing is revolutionising publishing and enabling new ways of learning for young people across the world, and gets young people writing its pioneering creative writing platform, MageQuill. With a growing client base of schools, colleges and universities in the UK, Europe, India, China and the Americas, MageQuill connects young writers in over 90 countries with each other and a trusted network of international mentors.

Agnitio Education is an education and skill development / training technology company having experience of working with educational institutions / organisations and corporate L&D initiatives. They work in the areas of learning technology, Augmented / Virtual Reality, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI based Mobile learning. They have presence in India, Middle East and UK and work with over 100+ clients covering 1000+ educational and related institutions. The team has deep vertical expertise in education and skill development and how technology can work to solve real life problems in this sector in a scalable way. There have been special features in CNBC Young Turks as innovative startup of India and also covered in NASSCOM 10,000 startups, Wall Street Journals' Live Mint and was awarded Hot 100 technology startups in India in 2015 by KPMG.

Marianne Rugard Jarvstrat
Mossytop Dreamharvest Ltd
+44 7867 945602
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Mossytop Mountain towers behind picturesque Dornie

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